
Apulia Kundi Spirulina Programme

The spirulina “Green Business – Alimenta L’Impresa” programme was presented by Robert Henrikson in Bari, southern Italy, December 3,4,5, 2014 at the agricultural technology institute Laboratori dal Basso, sponsored by Agenzia Regionale per la Technologia e L’innovazione. Streaming video and simultaneous translation attracted a large online audience.

The association Apulia Kundi won a grant in 2012 sponsored by the region of Puglia and set up a spirulina microfarm at a greenhouse on Bari University campus. The team members of Apulia Kundi have been growing, harvesting and transforming spirulina into local foods like the green tagliatella below. This is the first spirulina farm in southern Italy. The next step is to set up a larger commercial spirulina farm.

Apulia Kundi 1
Apulia Kundi classroom, team, spirulina microfarm and fresh tagliatella pasta with spirulina.
Apulia Kundi 2


Bioneers Summit Conference

Smart Microfarms demonstrated a modular spirulina algae growing system, a new model of the future of farming at the Change Makers Fair at the 25th Annual Bioneers Summit Conference held October 17,18,19, 2014 in San Rafael California. Bioneers – Revolution from the heart of nature.
Bioneers Exhibit
Serving shots of fresh frozen spirulina in apple, orange and peach juices.
Bioneers Model


NAA Workshop for Algaepreneurs

Robert Henrikson, Smart Microfarms, presented “Evolution of Scalable Algae Production and New Business Opportunities” at the National Algae Association “Commercial Algae Cultivation, Harvesting, Extraction Technologies and Networking Workshop” on February 28, 2014 in Richmond California. NAA is the “Home of the Algaepreneur”.


Visit to Myanmar Spirulina

Visit to Myanmar Spirulina, December 19-23, 2013. June Pharmaceuticals is one of the world’s largest producers of spirulina from both natural lakes and production ponds. The company produces about 200 tons of spirulina per year and offers a variety of healthy innovative products including supplements, extracts, cosmetics, herbal products, biofertilizer and spirulina beer. See slideshow Myanmar Spirulina.

Myanmar Farm
At June Pharmaceutical Industry Ltd Spirulina Production Farm and Factory in Sagaing. Founder and Director Dr. Min Thein, along with Robert Henrikson and management. December 20, 2013.
Mandalay University
Robert Henrikson presents at University of Mandalay “Evolution of Scalable Algae Production and New Business Models”. December 20, 2013.
Tywn Taung LakeNatural spirulina lake Twyn Taung with spirulina pond production facility. December 21, 2013.


Olympia Smart Microfarm Opens

The Smart Microfarm Testbed was officially open on July 20, 2013. Visitors arrived from Seattle, Bellingham and British Columbia to tour the facilities and learn about this northern most spirulina microfarm near Olympia WA.


Algae Microfarm & Aquaponics Workshop

Algae and aquaponics experts Robert Henrikson, CEO, Smart Microfarms; Henning Gatz, President, Aquacare Environment; and Mark Buehrer, director of 2020 ENGINEERING discuss algae microfarms & aquaponics and how to get these facilities built locally.
2020 Workshop


Algae Technology Americas ’13

Robert Henrikson presented Emergence of Small Scalable Algae Microfarms, Algaepreneurs and Practical Business Models Around the World at Algae Technology Americas in Phoenix Arizona June 26-28, 2013.
Algae Tech


Microfarms for Resilient Food Production

Robert Henrikson presented Algae Microfarms for Resilient Community Food Production at the Living Future UnConference Resilience & Regeneration in Seattle, Washington May 15-17, 2013.
Living Future
Scalable Smart Algae Microfarms for home, community and urban gardens, rooftop, mobile and vertical farms.


Opportunities in Algae Microfarming

Robert Henrikson presented “Emerging Opportunities in Small Scale Algae Microfarming” at the Santa Fe Community College Sustainable Technologies Center on April 6, 2013.
Sanyta Fe CC

Continuing Education – Spring Catalog – Seminar: Saturday, April 6, 2013 9:00AM – 4:00PM SFCC Rm. 216

SFCC Pond3

Over the past 30 years, a common question has emerged: “Can I grow spirulina algae at home or in my community?” The answer used to be “not yet,” because growing and processing were complex and required big investments. Experts with years of technical experience were needed to maintain successful algae cultures and small operations could not afford them. But today, growing systems have been simplified, successful business models for small growers are here, and web-based automation reduces the need for onsite experts. Algaepreneurs can profitably grow high-value foods in a small area, supporting the urban gardening and local food self-sufficiency movements. Robert Henrikson will review the evolution in spirulina algae microfarming and preview photobioreactor systems to grow new products from other algae strains.


Algae Technology Europe ’12

Robert Henrikson presented Algae Industry Breakthroughs and Market Review of Algae-based Functional Foods at Algae Technology Europe in Ghent Belgium December 5-7, 2012.
Algae Tech Europe